Welcome to this Blog

Welcome! Just like Raw Food, just like Twitter, there are many new creations sweeping the world. I am one of them. So is this blog. So - I’m wagering - are you. As the world changes, we discover ourselves more deeply and a new, more personalized spirituality emerges. The new spirituality may or may not involve a church, a mosque, a synagogue, or even a yoga studio. What it does do is ignite the creative spark within. It inspires us to move in large and small ways into new territory. This territory is more loving, authentic, expansive, and innovative. This blog is devoted to an exploration and celebration of this new spirituality, its promise and the rejuvenation it brings.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Official: Overwhelm is Present! - 20 Massages in 2 Months (Massage # 4)

Survival kit for the emotional overwhelm that sometimes accompanies deep healing - raw organic kombucha, fresh salsa, cuties, raw homemade almond milk, and raw corn chips.

Before talking about Massage #4 with Tasha at the Center for Well-Being let me say: It’s official!

Four massages in 12 days and I’m approaching emotional overwhelm! I knew this was a likely outcome. Focused massage and energy work in conjunction with the larger spiritual forces driving us toward change is yielding results! Emotional energy and thought patterns that prior to this experiment were stored where I couldn’t feel, hear or see them are surfacing into the light! Challenging though it may be, it means that my condition is shifting and that I am slowly gaining the awareness to change - or at least manage - the physical symptoms.

Had I pursued a quality massage once per month or even week and left it at that I would be biking home as I usually do in the glow of warmth and relaxation. However, doing the massages in such a short period of time, focusing on areas of chronic discomfort and my specific intention of resolving issues through accessing root emotional causes has accelerated the healing process. As a result, I’m a bit nauseated and experiencing some free floating anxiety. Sleep is light and more than this is filled with odd images and occurrences. (More on this later).

Stamina, relaxation and self-care are now the name of the game. Stamina because I am four massages down and sixteen to go. Relaxation because if I stay calm, happy and open the energy will continue to flow. Self-care because “What was I thinking!?” 

Luckily, after this many years of square dancing with transformative spiritual energies I know what to do. My next move is to curtsy and do-see-do (or is it doe-si-doe?) into living and raw foods – uncooked fruits, vegetables and nuts that may or may not have been soaked, sprouted, crushed, molded and/or dehydrated at low temperatures and which therefore still have their active enzymes. (For information on raw food and delicious recipes see http://www.rawmazing.com/)

In me living foods often reduce or eliminate physical symptoms. They also allow emotions to surface with more ease. This means that if in one moment I am anxious or upset within a very short time after eating these foods I will experience optimism, peace, and positivity. In other words, I feel great, divinely inspired even. As a result, I remain aware of what is happening on an emotional level but I am not controlled by the experience.
For the duration of these 20 massages I anticipate sticking close to my Kombucha bottle, feasting on raw almond milk, munching raw corn chips and then going in for a traditional cooked meal in the evening - for pleasure – and to make sure I get enough calories!

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