Welcome to this Blog

Welcome! Just like Raw Food, just like Twitter, there are many new creations sweeping the world. I am one of them. So is this blog. So - I’m wagering - are you. As the world changes, we discover ourselves more deeply and a new, more personalized spirituality emerges. The new spirituality may or may not involve a church, a mosque, a synagogue, or even a yoga studio. What it does do is ignite the creative spark within. It inspires us to move in large and small ways into new territory. This territory is more loving, authentic, expansive, and innovative. This blog is devoted to an exploration and celebration of this new spirituality, its promise and the rejuvenation it brings.


In the wake of the most recent quake in Japan, I posted a message regarding spiritual dimension of humanity relationship to the Earth.  Within that message was an apology to the Japanese people for acts committed   by the United States, specifically the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II. (Click here for full article in English).

A niece of mine who lives in Japan was kind enough to have the apology portion of this message translated into Japanese.  This translation is posted here:



真珠湾攻撃の報復として自国の防衛のみを優先し、日本の戦意を喪失させた後に占領する目的で原爆を投下し大勢の市民を殺戮したことは、権力の乱用であり、 原爆投下の正当な理由にはなりません。広島、長崎への原爆投下による死亡者数は25万人を超え、日本の真珠湾攻撃で亡くなったと言われる米国民2,500 人よりもはるかに多い人数です。原爆による負傷者数は膨大すぎて数えきれません。広島、長崎では非人道的な死の恐怖が長期に渡り続きました。被爆し火傷を 負った市民は、何カ月も満足な治療を受けられずに亡くなりました。人種、民族、宗教が異なる多くの人々が米国の暴挙を受け、辛酸を嘗めてきた歴史を忘れて はならないでしょう。

(For full article in English, please click here).